Stinger Keel

The Stinger Keel

The Stinger Keel is a hybrid floating offshore wind foundation which changes the way in which we think about the manufacture and installation of spar-buoy foundations.




Superior Stability

The key to an efficient spar-buoy is to separate the buoyancy and the ballast in order to stabilize the WTG with a shallow draft.

Our design uses a truss spar design to separate the ballast tanks from the upper buoyancy unit, thus creating superior stability to existing spar designs.

Modular Assembly

The foundation has been designed with modularity in mind.

All components are tubular based, allowing for steel rolling mills to maximize production output.

Tubulars are then assembled using GMC weldless connectors. This allows different components to be manufactured in various locations before assembly.


Hinged Truss

The hinged truss design allows for shallow water assembly and transport.

The truss is connected to the upper unit using a hinge mechanism. Once towed to site, the ballast unit is filled which transforms the foundation from a semi-sub to a spar.

Low Draft Launch and Assembly

The Stinger Keel only requires a draft of X meters for turbine assembly and float out. Its superiot transport stability allows the foundation to be transported to site with a draft of only X meters. This provides a range of opportunities to launch in shallow water conditions. Watch the video below to see a more in depth representation on how we plan to launch our foundation.